
HRDA envision a prosperous world..
HRDA envisions Afghanistan/World a prosperous, developed....
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HRDA mission is to bring positive change in the lives of vulnerable and marginalized groups...
HRDA mission is to bring positive change in the lives of vulnerable and marginalized groups...
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Respect for human dignity...
Respect for human dignity
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HRDA envisions Afghanistan/World a prosperous, developed and peaceful place free of poverty, violence and social injustice where all individuals have equal rights and access to available resources needed for a rich and dignified life without discrimination of any kind. 


HRDA mission is to bring positive change in the lives of vulnerable and marginalized groups through effective humanitarian services delivery and capacity development, advocacy & awareness campaign to create a just society where all marginalized groups peruse their goals by active participation in social development activities for sustainable infrastructure development.


  • Non-discrimination
  • Loyalty and Team Spirit
  • Impartiality and social tolerance
  • Professionalism
  • Ethics and Gender Sensitivity
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Community involvement